Eclipse Montage

Virtually perfect conditions ensured a truly memorable eclipse, including prominent shadow bands both before and after totality.
Nikon D810A DSLR & Nikkor zoom lens at 600mm.


HDR (high dynamic range) Corona

Structure of the corona enhanced by high dynamic range processing. Composite of 9 exposures 1/1000 – 1/2 sec.
Jackson Hole, USA, 21 Aug 2017.

The corona extended further than expected, hence the longest streamer is cut off by the edge of the frame.



Second Contact

The start of totality as the edge of the Sun vanishes behind the Moon.

This view gives the same effect as third contact, but the term ‘diamond ring’ is for some reason more usually applied to the end of totality than the start.

In this view a large prominence can be seen on the opposite limb of the Sun from the ‘diamond’.



Third Contact

The end of totality as the Sun reappears at the opposite edge of the Moon. Here we have a triple diamond-ring effect, due to the local geography at the Moon’s limb.

The diamond ring brings a breathtaking climax to the experience of totality, and one can easily understand the relief of ancient peoples as the reappearance of the Sun brought back its lifegiving warmth to the Earth.

Both the above pictures were taken with a Nikon D810A camera and Nikkor zoom lens at 800mm, 1/1000 second at f/11 and ISO-800.




Eclipse Viewing Site, Jackson Hole

Our group had exclusive access to this site near Jackson Hole, with the splendid Teton range as a backdrop.



Strange Light Effects Near Totality

As the Sun’s disc is covered by the Moon, its light comes from an ever thinner sliver. As well as dimming the ambient light and causing a noticeable drop in temperature, this has the effect of sharpening shadows. This image was an attempt to show the sharper shadows of our fingers as totality drew near.


Even Stranger Effects…

If the partially-eclipsed Sun shines through a small aperture, an image of its disk like that of a pinhole camera is produced.

A regular activity at eclipses has become to find ever more original ways of displaying this phenomenon.

In this example, a board has been perforated with holes spelling out a message, and someone has selflessly thrown themselves on the ground to provide a white projection screen.

Yet another of the strange effects a solar eclipse can have…

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