Pete's Astro Workshop
Peter Hannah’s astrophotography, eclipse trips and astro-related home projects
All images by the author (unless otherwise credited)
Recent Posts
NGC 4565
The needle galaxy
M57 – The Ring Nebula
M57 in narrowband
M13 (2023 update)
The Great Globular reprocessed
Arp 316
Compact galaxy grouping in Leo
M33 Revisited
Local Group galaxy in Triangulum
Coma Cluster
The Coma cluster of galaxies
Warrambungle Sky
Southern Milky Way from a dark sky site
Quasar 3C273
The first quasar ever identified
M35 Plus One
Open cluster M35 together with NGC2158
The Trifid Nebula
The Trifid nebula in Sagittarius in modified HOS palette
The Andromeda Galaxy M31
M31 and its satellite galaxies
Barnard 72 – The Snake Nebula
Dark nebula in Ophiuchus
Sharpless 170 – The Small Rosette
Narrowband image of this H-II Region
Stephan’s Quintet and NGC7331
Galaxy group Stephan’s Quintet with NGC7331
SH2-69 (Sharpless 69)
Deep H-alpha image of this H-II region